Odlična predstava Jona Gorenca Stankoviča, ki je držal ravnotežje v vezni liniji Huddersfielda in pomagal do zmage. Na Twitterju so ga poimenovali kar po legendarnem italijanskem vezistu Andrei Pirlu!
Kaj je povedal po tekmi:
? “It’s an amazing feeling that we won this game.
“Everybody fought for it and gave everything. We deserved that win."
Jon Gorenc Stanković after #htafc's @premierleague win against @Wolves.
? https://t.co/83T72jO4NU#HTTV is sponsored by @absolute_ws#HUDWOL (AT)
— Huddersfield Town (@htafc) February 26, 2019
Slovenski vezist je igral prvih 82 minut in bil eden vidnejših nogometašev domače ekipe ob zmagi proti Wolverhamptonu z 1:0. Tole so zbrani odzivi iz Twitterja:
Build a team around Bacunha, Grant and Jon Gorenc Pirlo and we’ll get 100 points next year no problem.
— James Thornton (@JThorn26) February 26, 2019
Jon Gorenc Gerrard #whataplayer #htafc
— James Nichols (@JamesNichols92) February 26, 2019
I though Jon gorenc stankovic was out best player today . Absolutely fantastic performance.
— Christopher Smith (@ChrisMSmith_) February 26, 2019